
Our life experiences impact who we are and who we become. The positive experiences stay with us, but the negative experiences stay with us as well. Sometimes it helps to look at all these experiences – both positive and negative to help us gain a deeper understanding of ourselves. The relationships we have had throughout our lives are also deeply influential in shaping who we are and our current relationships. Therapy can be helpful in giving each person a greater sense and deeper understanding of who they are and how their relationships and experiences have impacted them. By looking at all these pieces we can place them together to form a whole picture.

Dr. Shepherd Combs’s approach to treatment is to look for the root cause of the discomfort or pain the individual or couple is experiencing in order to help create lasting change. This will involve exploring early and important relationships in an individual’s life as well significant life experiences. Dr. Shepherd Combs strives to make sure that each person feels safe enough to be open, honest and vulnerable in session. This will allow both the individual and the therapist to work collaboratively, as a team, toward helping the individual reach their goals, decrease their distress and experience fulfilling relationships.



Dr. Shepherd Combs provides both couples and individual therapy. She has a specialty in providing treatment to college and graduate students as well individuals who are experiencing difficulties with acculturation or readjusting to American culture.  She treats older adolescents and adults of all ages as well as couples who are married, engaged, partnered or seriously dating. Dr. Shepherd Combs also provides treatment to therapist’s in training paying particular attention to how a therapist’s own life impacts their work.



Relational Difficulties

Identity Issues

Acculturation/Cultural Issues

Family of Origin Issues

Professional Difficulties/Work-Related Issues

Women's Issues

Anxiety & Depression